Thursday, September 2, 2010

Reality Hits

Wow, almost three weeks in. Feels like a lifetime. The highlights of each day get logged away in a my brain, and hopefully many will come out here. Today I had bugs, found out that Amos won't be coming out till October, and found a bird trapped in my woodstove that it took two hours to get out. I think I'm in a little bit of a funny mood to write, but here it goes...

The bug situation is better. On cold days there are hardly any, except there are ants now. But lots of traps out and it seems to be ok. They (the ants) threaten, but don't follow through. Today is the first sunny day we've had all week so when I left the house around noon I had seen about 3 coming in....but that's not bad. They all die anyway because Mama Denise sprayed my house and let's just say that dead bugs are better than live ones. (oh, PS-Mama Denise and Papa George also stocked the whole bottom shelf of my freezer with their organic, grass fed beef. And brought me two pallets of seasoned firewood, God bless them!) One crazy thing happened though, and that is that after two almost bug free days, I came home to a shower that looked like this...

No explaining it. But needless to say I scrubbed out the tub with comet before I took a shower. How do people take baths? =/
The next exciting news to relay is that I got a dog! Her name is May and she's on loan from one of the ladies on worship team, Kim. I was thinking of getting a dog I fell in love with at the shelter but I would hate to have to give her back if I only stay a year, so May seemed the perfect fit. She's an Akita/German Shepherd mix and extremely sweet and low maintenance. She comes with me everywhere in my Subaru and can't stand to be left at home. Stinker.

May and I went on a walk to the Amish store, which is about 3 miles away. I think I'm going to make this a regular walk because at the end of it there's cheese. Well anyway, on our first walk we had to turn around because I started hearing thunder in the distance. Ten minutes from home freezing cold wind began to blow, and within ten minutes of getting home there was torrential downpour.

Sidenote: I have a tin roof, and the rain on my house sounds like hundreds of people hitting a snare drum. Also, I've already had to have a fire in my woodstove 3 times, I love it!

On to ministry stufff.....

There were 5 junior high students at church on Sunday, Corb leans over to me after communion and goes, "do you want to take them back there [to the children's room]?" And I said, "sure!". Thus began what may be a youth church for Mission Mountain Worship Center! I told them I would have treats if they a) brought their Bibles to church (purchasing them Message:'s a starting place) and b) did assigned reading and told me what they thought of it. Needless to say, I was over-the-moon excited. We thought it wise not to put me in charge of anything in case I was only to be here a year, but seriously, am I going to spend the whole year not being involved cause I might leave at the end of it? SO yeah, going forward!

Yesterday we had the Pretty-On-Tops over for dinner. I made dessert. Julia's chocolate cake and sugar cookies!
Baking at high altitude is going to get some taking used to, and I need to be better at whipping egg whites....cause I'm pretty sure my cake was supposed to be a little less...dense? then it was. Haha, it tasted great though. It was awesome to get to hang out with some of our native families from the church. Over 85% of the people of the Crow reservation in Southeastern Montana actually speak Crow amongst themselves, so I love getting to hear the accent and just talk about life with the people from there!

Jan and I were driving around Tribal housing a couple of days ago when we saw an ambulance and police car. Jan realized it was in front of a house who's owners she knew. Their son was on the front step. I'm going to call him "Jake" for the blog. Anyway, Jake has had lots of trouble with drugs, and has been pretty disrespectful to the Morgan's in the past. Jan wasn't sure that she should go find out what was happening with all the police and everybody there. We drove through the rest of tribal housing, to see some other families we know, and Jan just really felt that she was to go and check on Jake. Well, I stayed in the car and prayed, Jan went to the ambulance where Jake was (afraid that someone was after him and strung out pretty bad) and told her, "you have to come pray with me right now" she did, and he folded his hands and begged God for help. I'm so glad we came back! As they took him away, Jan said to me, "He's going to die if he doesn't accept the Lord." The realness of the situation dawned on me in that moment. This kid is 16, has been in and out of rehab, and the meth dealers in the mission valley who were gone for a while came back 6 months ago and the kids are getting hooked. Jake is in my town, part of my community. I don't want him to die! He's who is sticking in my mind right now. I mean, what are his parents going to do if they lose him?

The fact that my friends and family aren't here is weighing heavily on me today. I think I thought I would have a lot of people visiting (my mom, Andrea, Amos) and it doesn't seem to be working out. Well, at least not in the time-table I wanted it to. I asked Amos today, "if the desire of my heart is to see you guys, why won't God give me that?" He answered, "maybe He doesn't want you to have it." Now, I know that sounds harsh, but I truly wonder if having this first month without any visitors is a kind of "trial-by-fire" to get me settled in this place. As one YWAM author from Montana said, "Nothing that has come to Montana, and put its roots down, has done so easily."

More to come,


  1. Hey El,

    Glad to hear that God is using you and establishing you! I'll be praying for the Lord to bless you with friends in Montana to help make the transition easier! I look forward to hearing more =)

    Love you,

  2. Hang in there. I know it was hard for Jan and Jeff when they first left but before you know it, your purpose will be right in front of you if not already. Sorry about the bugs. YUCK!!

  3. Also, enjoy Denise and George. I am good friends with her daughter here. They are a fantastic family :)

  4. Love the post! Thanks for the updates. So nice to hear you are doing well and settling in. It can be hard to not have pieces of "home" to visit, believe me, I know. But I would say my best advice is to cling to/lean on the friends and 'family' God has given you there. It can be hard, but I am sure they are willing to be family to you. I LOVE the puppy!!!!! I know its not really a puppy, but all dogs are puppies to me, hehe. I want to snuggle her. She looks so happy and sounds so sweet. How fun. Hope your bug days come to and end very soon. Fall and winter should help with that! Miss you, love you, thinking of you and praying for you! Keep 'em comin'!

  5. Thanks Estela! And Erica and Missy too! It means a lot to hear from you guys!
