Monday, August 16, 2010

Moving to Montana!

So we set off a couple hours late on Saturday morning, the 14th. High School summer camp ended that day, and Andrea, Crickett and Amos were all coming straight from camp to move me! I couldn't believe that my friends are as cool as they are. More than a few of them showed up to see me off.

We tried our best to be quick and make it to St. Ignatius before it was dark, but we actually ended up pulling around 10:30pm.

The trip there was fun and happy, until the last couple of hours when I actually realized that when my friends left the next afternoon I would not be going with them. I guess I started to feel intimidated?

We got to my house and decided that it was a little too rustic to stay in that night. It smelled a little bit like dog (we found some hair in the air-conditioner) and there were some bugs that my dad found. So! We all ended up at Corb and Jan's for the night, with a sheet hanging up between the girls and the boys in the big upper room at their house. What an adventure!

The next day we got up and tried to find breakfast at the Windmill (they make donuts there!!) but they were closed. After hitting up the grocery store where most people decided on fried chicken for breakfast (not me) we drove around town so that Andi, Crick and Amos could see the lay of the land.
After seeing the Mission Dam reservoir, where the whole valley gets irrigated from, we headed North 35 miles to Flathead Lake, and pretty much realized that everything in Montana is closed on Sunday, well, at least all the interesting places to eat. We headed back to St. Ignatius and ate at Old Timer's, the only restaurant in town. Really good burgers!

So then it was time to say goodbye. Amos and I went on a drive and I have to say that though I cried a little, I was generally in good-spirits and optimistic.
So, I said goodbye to some of my dearest friends and felt pretty ok. It helped that my parents were still there. We ate dinner that one of the ladies from the church made. Her name is Denise, and she's definitely a mama to me; she used to go to Northwest!

Mom and I headed to Polson to find some things at Wal-Mart which of course is always a joy. Both being with my mom and going to Wal-Mart, haha. We got a mop and dishwashing soap and fun things like rotini noodles- the best kind of noodle.

My parents left this morning and again, it was pretty much ok. I went to my house to start cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, and got about a third of the way done before Denise showed up to spray my inside and outside for bugs. I can't believe how nice people are here. You say you have bugs and they say, "I'll come tomorrow with the sprayer". Amazing. Well, the spray worked...ALL THE BUGS IN THE WORLD came into my house. A literal swarm of earwigs and these little bugs that look like flies but don't have wings. Corb came and started weed-wacking outside which continued to drive them in. The good news is that most of them are dead now. You know, we set up a perimeter and they came in the house to die. It was pretty much the beaches of Normandy. So we stopped cleaning...and decided to get a bug bomb.

So, another night at Corb and Jan's and I'm pretty happy. If not for the bug thing the house is the cutest thing ever, so we'll get it under control. Can you be praying for this? It's hard to do anything when everything you own is still in boxes.

We also served at the community dinner tonight, which while not back-breaking work is still really exhausting for some reason. Almost 100 people got dinner though and I got to re-meet some of the people from the town and from other churches. That's my favorite thing about the community here, at least so far, is that the churches really come together and enjoy each other.

Tomorrow we're going to head over to the animal shelter to see about a dog for me, just praying that God will really send me the right one. One that likes to be outside and will be protective, cause my nearest neighbor is about a 1/4 mile away on either side. Hopefully when I come into the house tomorrow lots of bugs will be dead and there will be NO MORE coming in in Jesus' name! If there are more coming in I think I will be discouraged, so I've just got to believe that the Lord is fighting for me on this one, and that you are too!

One last thing, the night we got here two boys died; they were brothers who fell into one of the canals and couldn't get out because the water gets sucked down to irrigate the valley. They found one of them right up Corb and Jan's road in the creek there; it's just awful. Apparently this summer there has been a lot of death, two youth suicides, and it's just so dark. Would you pray against death and hopelessness in this valley? We need hope!

Thank you so much for being involved. It makes me feel really good to know some of you are with me here. Love,


1 comment:

  1. I love you. Prayers coming your way. You are such a strong, beautiful, brave woman to be starting on this adventure! Hang in there with the bugs...Not fun! Hope you are able to get more settled in!
