Thursday, December 16, 2010


Everything is so awesome here. And wow, what I must be learning. I think the coolest thing about life here is that it is no longer "the mission field" but really home. I just feel like I'm living my everyday life, it's no longer foreign. Isn't that cool? I didn't realize it till writing this just now.
The church is just growing and growing. Every week my prayer is "bring them in from the hiways and byways Lord." And HE IS. Every Sunday it's amazing to see who shows up. We are always surprised. There was one week where the snow was just insane, we thought church would be just me and the Morgans. Instead we ended up with a FULL church, it was awesome.

The youth here are just growing and growing. Last week I just had to come out and ask..."do you have a real relationship with the Lord?" and do you know what? They were all honest with me, even when I asked what the reasons were for not having one. I love this! Honest Christians. Hello! The Word is having some effect! When we started with the youth I totally felt the Lord give me the scripture about the inside of the cup being clean first, no worrying about the outside! So the honesty the kids gave me was such a beautiful indication that God is indeed working on the inside, I trust Him for the outside! And most of these kids truly want a real relationship with God. One didn't think he could have one because when he was a baby a pastor told his mom if he wasn't baptized he would go to hell. Well we all took out our Bibles and saw where and why Jesus was baptized, you should've seen the relief come over this kids face. And this was his first time at church SINCE his mother had been told that! Thank you Lord.

We have truly had the most impacting ministry moments of my life these last few weeks. A special moment was driving with a young mother (with another on the way) to the gas station to fill up her empty gas tank- she had an OB appointment the next day! This is a girl who is just beginning to come to church and who lives just down the drive from me. The same day we scrambled to scrounge up our loose change (cause who carries cash nowadays?) to give a family enough money to get milk that their baby needs, who has spina bifida. I am so grateful that so many people are supporting me and the work God is doing here! Thank you all for your prayers and love. I really, really couldn't do it without you.

Thank you for your prayers as I have had plenty of work at the Real Estate office and am making ends meet!
I am so blessed to be here. Lots of love.
